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GW Missionary with chainsaw

I don't often paint 40K stuff, but here it is. This is a great sculpt, perfectly portraying faith as it is in the 41st millennium: the book in one hand, a big, handwritten tome displayed on a pole for the benefit of the masses; and the sword in the other, a merciless chainsword to fight heretics and xenos.

Long ceremonial robes couple with heavy boots and gloves, a neckerchief and goggles, a heavy backpack with a box, a book and a rifle. All elements that suggest this priest is travelling through some wild, barren land, a desert representing the fringe of civilization. He's there to spread the Word, but he is also expecting trouble.

I don't know the year of issue of this white metal miniature, nor the sculptor. I wish I did, because it's such a great piece and I really enjoyed painting it.

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