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This Week in the Kitchen: June 7

My kitchen is officially in full summer mode: salads, sandwiches, and lots of grilling. To keep things interesting, I regularly search Pinterest for new recipe ideas. This week I came up with a couple of good ones.

The local farmers market offered the first chicken of the season last Saturday. There's something about free-range, organic chicken... it somehow tastes more like the chicken of my childhood. I found a recipe for Grilled Beer Marinated Chicken on Picture the Recipe, but chose to use bone-in chicken thighs instead of drumsticks. I left them in the marinade all day, turning whenever I thought of it.

The lime, cumin, cayenne, and beer marinade made for incredibly flavorful chicken, and I loved using parsley fresh from my herb garden. The girls and my husband all loved it and proclaimed the recipe a "keeper".

We also had our first corn-on-the-cob last week. It wasn't local, but my husband loves it and I thought it would be a nice surprise. It was super sweet, so I bought a few more ears the next day to make this Corn, Tomato, and Avocado Salad from The Girl Who Ate Everything.

I had a couple of ripe avocados and you know how that goes... they needed to be used right away. Cilantro fresh from the herb garden was another big plus. We had it for lunch with tortilla chips - so good! I would have preferred the salad without red onion, but was overruled. Next time, I'll set a little aside before adding the onion.

Finally, I got the most gorgeous cookbook from the library this week - The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings by Nathan Williams. I've marked several recipes to try, but it's really the photography that makes this book so appealing. I know it was mentioned in a Weekend Cooking post a few weeks ago, but I can't remember where. If it was you, thank you!

What's happening in your kitchen this week?

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

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